Natural Born Citizen - A Presidential Eligibility Qualification
Requirement in Article II Section 1 Clause 5 of the United States Constitution
by: CDR Charles F. Kerchner, Jr., P.E. (Retired)
ISBN: 978-0-91733-503-7
USD 17.95 plus S&H

A collection of essays on the "natural born Citizen" term in our U.S. Constitution. The "Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How" the "natural born Citizen" term was put into our United States Constitution by the founders and framers is explained in depth, and in particular the WHY! The book shows how the modern era progressive movement using faulty logic and sophistry has been conflating the man-made law Title 8, Section 1401 term "Citizen at Birth" as being 100% identically and logically equal and in meaning with the constitutional Article II term "natural born Citizen". That identically equal argument is not true. Even simple grammar analysis of those two terms will show one that they are not identically the same. Both tell the reader WHEN the person got their citizenship, i.e., at birth. But the "natural born Citizen" term also tells the reader in addition to WHEN they got their citizenship, but also very importantly, HOW they got their citizenship when they were born, i.e., by natural means, i.e., the Laws of Nature, not via man-made Positive Law and actions of Congress. The adjective "natural born" before the noun Citizen means something. It indicates a kind of Citizen created by the Laws of Nature and Natural Law, not a man-made law, act, amendment, or treaty granting citizenship at birth to a person or group such as the 14th Amendment or 8 U.S. Code Section 1401 - Nationals and Citizens of United States at Birth. A citizen created by man-made laws is not a "natural born Citizen". A "natural born Citizen" is a person born in the country to parents who were both Citizens (born or naturalized) when their child is born. The "natural born Citizen" kind of Citizen is by far the largest subset of all Citizens of a country as shown with an Euler Diagram and analysis of English language grammar and logic of the two terms. The term "Citizen at Birth" tells the reader WHEN the person became a Citizen, but not the KIND of Citizen when born. And there are five different kinds of Citizens mentioned in the U.S. Constitution. All "natural born Citizens" at Birth are "Citizens at Birth", but not all "Citizens at Birth" are "natural born Citizens". It's basic logic. A simple Euler Diagram is included as a graphic to visually explain this. The Progressive Movement conflates the two terms and enabled by the major media who are part of that movement does a disserve to our electorate and is treasonous to the Constitution. "Citizens at Birth" created by man-made laws are granted such Citizenship under the "Naturalization Powers" granted to Congress by the U.S. Constitution and if a child is granted basic naturalized "Citizen at Birth" status under such a man-made law passed by Congress such as the 8 U.S. Code Section 1401 - Nationals and Citizens of United States at Birth naturalization law, the person does not have to undergo the naturalization process later in life as an adult. But a "Naturalized" Citizen created by man-made congressional acts and laws they are, even though most people don't understand that fact. The strong influence on the key founders of our nation and framers of our founding documents of Emer de Vattel's (1758/1775/1797) legal treatise about the "The Law of Nations or Principles of Natural Law" is discussed. Vattel's enlightened proposals for a new form of government in Volume 1 of his legal treatise was used to justify the revolution and in their framing of a new federal U.S. Constitution to form a more perfect union of the 13 sovereign and independent original states, into a stronger nation of states united, i.e., the 'United States' of America, is also discussed. 76 pages. Size: 8.5" x 11" x 0.5". Plastic comb bound for ease in the opening, laying flat, flipping pages, and laying on copier platen to make copies of selected pages. ISBN: 978-0-917335-03-7. Library of Congress Control Number: 2023906955. Printed on demand. Also available for order via Amazon.
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