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All material and graphics displayed in this page is copyright protected.
To use any of this material you must first be given expressed written permission via email.
(c) 2009-2016 CDR Charles F Kerchner, Jr. (Ret)

Advertorials Placed to Date - See Below - Click on Images to Enlarge
Download the latest advertorial and print it out for non-financial gain, educational uses.
Print one issue/essay series on one side and another one on the other side.
They make good handouts and fliers for family, friends, and at Tea Parties.

Series 35 - Dec 2013 - Obama Selective Service Draft Registration Form Backdated and Forged!
Obama Draft Reg Card Forged! Obama Draft Reg Card Forged! Obama Draft Reg Card Forged!

Series 34 - 12 Mar 2012 - Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio Says
Obama [Long-Form] Birth Certificate and Draft Registraton Docs Forged!
AZ Sheriff Arpaio Says - Obama Docs Forged!

Series 33 - Dec 2011/Jan 2012 - Placed in Support of the New Article II Super PAC - Obama is NOT a Natural Born Citizen of the United States!
Support Art II Super PAC - NH Herald Support Art II Super PAC - Obama Not NBC Support Art II Super PAC - Obama SSN Fails E-Verify

Series 32 - Sep 2011/Oct 2011 - Obama SSN Fails E-Verify System!
Obama SSN and Name do NOT Match in U.S. Government SSN E-Verify System!
Obama SSN Fails E-Verify! Obama SSN Fails E-Verify! Obama SSN Fails E-Verify!

Series 31 - Sep 2011 - Obama Using Stolen SSN and Forged Birth Certificate!
Obama Using Stolen SSN

Series 30 - Jun 2011 - We Have a Criminal and Forger in the White House!
Congress is Now Afraid of Enforcing the Law!
Criminal in White House

Series 29 - May 2011/Jun 2011 - Obama Long Form Birth Certificate Forged!
There is a Criminal in the White House! Cone of Silence by Congress, Courts, Media
Speaker Boehner Investigate Obama BC Forged!
Yes Virginia! 3 Enablers

Series 28 - Apr 2011/May 2011 - Draft & SSN Fraud! Whose Connecticut Social Security Number is Barack Obama Using?
Obama Committed Draft Registration Fraud! Whose CT SSN is Obama Using? Whose SSN is Obama Using?

Series 27 - 18 Apr 2011 - What Post-Founding Era U.S. President Has So Many Foreign Sources
Saying He was Born in Their Country and Not in the USA?
What U.S. President in History?

Series 26 - 4 Apr 2011 - Obama Not Born in Hawaii per Two Kenyan National Assembly Members - Orengo and Khalwale
Obama Not Born in Hawaii

Series 25 - Feb 2011/Mar 2011 - Obama Ineligible!
Obama Ineligible! Obama Ineligible!

Series 24 - Jan 2011/Feb 2011 - Obama Not a Natural Born Citizen.
He Does Not Have Unity of Citizenship and Sole Allegiance at Birth to Only the USA.
Obama Was Born British.

Obama Not NBC with Venn Diagram Obama Not NBC with Venn Diagram Obama Not NBC with Venn Diagram

Series 23 - Jan 2011 - Obama Ineligible and Support LTC Terry Lakin - Two Page Center Fold Spread
Obama Sweating Ineligible! & Support LTC Lakin

Obama Sweating Ineligible! & Support LTC Lakin

Series 22 - Nov 2010 - Obama Ineligible! - I Tried and Lied But It Won't Go Away!

Obama Sweating Ineligible! Obama Sweating Ineligible!

Series 21 - Nov 2010 - Kerchner et al v Obama et al Petition Scheduled for Conference 23 Nov 2010 with U.S. Supreme Court

Petition Docketed with Supreme Court Petition Docketed with Supreme Court

Series 20 - Oct 2010 - Kerchner et al v Obama et al Petition for Writ of Certiorari Filed & Docketed with U.S. Supreme Court

Petition Docketed with Supreme Court Petition Docketed with Supreme Court Petition Filed with Supreme Court

Series 19 - Sep 2010/Oct 2010 - Obama Ineligible! - I Tried and Lied But It Won't Go Away!

Obama Sweating Ineligible Obama Sweating Ineligible Obama Sweating Ineligible Obama Sweataing Ineligible

Series 18 - Aug 2010 - Kenyan Government Officials say Obama "born here in Kenya" and he should "repatriate himself to Kenya"
Grandma Falsified Obama Birth Reg Obama Born in Kenya Obama Born in Kenya

Series 17 - Aug 2010 - Assorted Obama Not Constitutionally Eligible to be President Ads
Citizen v natural born Citizen Sheltie - I got my Papers! Sheltie - I got my Papers! Obama is a Usurper

Series 16 - Jul 2010 - Kenya My Country - Tussker My Beer
Kenya My Country, Tussker My Beer Kenya My Country, Tussker My Beer Kenya My Country, Tussker My Beer

Series 15 - Jun 2010/Jul 2010 - Hawaii Election Official Tim Adams Says - Obama Not Born in Hawaii
Obama's Lack of Constitutional Eligibility - The Three Enablers of the Cone of Silence in Washington DC.

Obama Not Born in Hawaii Obama Not Born in Hawaii Obama Not Born in any Hawaii Hospital

Series 14 - May 2010 - Obama's Lack of Constitutional Eligibility - The Three Enablers of the Cone of Silence in Washington DC.
3 Enablers Cone of Silence 3 Enablers Cone of Silence

Series 13 - May 2010 - Kenyan Government Officials say Obama "born here in Kenya" and he should "repatriate himself to Kenya"
Obama Born Here in Kenya Obama Born Here in Kenya Obama Born Here in Kenya

Series 12 - Mar 2010/Apr 2010 - Obama's Flouts/Flaunts the Constitution
Obama Flouts the Constitution Obama Flouts Constitution Obama Flaunts Constitution

Series 11 - Feb 2010/Mar 2010/Apr 2010 - Obama's Exact Citizenship & Constitutional Eligibility Policy - Don't Ask, Don't Tell
Non't Ask Don't Tell with Coupon Non't Ask Don't Tell Non't Ask Don't Tell Non't Ask Don't Tell

Series 10 - Dec 2009/Feb 2010 - Obama's is an Unconstitutional Illegal Putative President
Illegal Putative President Illegal Putative President Illegal Putative President Illegal Putative President

Series 9 - Nov 2009 - Obama's Lack of Constitutional Eligibilty - The Three Enablers
The 3 Enablers [Spacer Image] The 3 Enablers Side Banner [Spacer Image] The 3 Enablers Box

Series 8 - Nov 2009 - "Citizen vs Natural Born Citizen" Pictorial in Hawaii Presentation
Citizen vs Natural Born Citizen Citizen vs Natural Born Citizen Citizen vs Natural Born Citizen

Series 7 - Oct 2009 - U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Marshall's Words
from the Past on Taking Jurisdiction in Constitutional Questions Cases

Quote from John Marshall Quote from John Marshall

Series 6 - Sep 2009 - Natural Born Citizenship Means Unity of Citizenship at Birth
With Obama is a Brit Graphic

Wash Times 20090921

Series 5 - Sep 2009 - Two Page Spread - Obama is a Brit (repeat of 10 Aug 09 two-page spread)
Wash Times 20090907

Series 4 - Aug 2009 - Why the Natural Born Citizen Clause is Important
Wash Times 20090817 Wash Times 20090824 Wash Times 20090831

Series 3 - Aug 2009 - Two Page Spread - Obama is a Brit
Wash Times 20090810

Series 2 - Jul 2009/Aug 2009 - Obama the Usurper
Wash Times 20090727 Wash Times 20090803
Wash Times 20090706 Wash Times 20090713 Wash Times 20090720

Series 1 - May 2009/Jun 2009 - Introduction to and Summary of the Lawsuit
Wash Times 20090518 Wash Times 20090601 Wash Times 20090615

Snooty NoBama Usurper with Tag Obama Is a Usurper - Illegal Putative President British No Obama Usurper with URL
Obama Usurper Horizontal with URL

To learn more about the lawsuit visit:
Atty Mario Apuzzo's Blog

Donations Given to This Publicity & Education Fund Raising Drive Are Gifts and Are Not Tax Deductible.

Some Essays and Writings on Natural Born Citizenship
and the Obama Eligibility Issue by Mountain Publius Goat

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Copyright © 2009-2016
CDR Charles F. Kerchner, Jr. (Ret)
All Rights Reserved
Created - 08 Jun 2009
Revised - 27 Apr 2016